The Boy Who Hooked the Sun


Wolfe's comments from the Introduction to Starwater Strains

"The Boy Who Hooked the Sun" was written for the late Jan O'Nale, who used it in a greeting card. It's a brown books story, like those in "From the Cradle." May the earth lie lightly on you, Jan.


A legend about a boy who catches the sun on his fishing line.


  • Sources of quotes
  • Meanings of names
  • References to other works
  • Theories about what happens under the surface, what the narrator isn't telling us, who the narrator is and when and why s/he is telling the story, what the whole thing "means," etc.
    If there are multiple or competing theories, each one should be given a name with a three-bang (!!!) header; if the page begins to get out-of-hand from the size of these, as could happen in a few cases, they should be shuffled off to their own page(s).
  • Etc.

Unresolved Questions

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