The Dog of the Drops


Wolfe's comments from the Introduction to Starwater Strains

Sometimes you open the back door and find a story there, wagging its tail and hoping to be fed. I think it's a good idea to take these stories in, feed them, and buy them flea collars. "The Dog of the Drops" came like that.


A very intelligent dog protects the human family she loves in a post-holocaust world. This short-short story is told mostly in a thick dialect.

I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a Scottish dialect. 'Crom 20100514'


  • Sources of quotes
  • Meanings of names
  • References to other works
  • Theories about what happens under the surface, what the narrator isn't telling us, who the narrator is and when and why s/he is telling the story, what the whole thing "means," etc.
    If there are multiple or competing theories, each one should be given a name with a three-bang (!!!) header; if the page begins to get out-of-hand from the size of these, as could happen in a few cases, they should be shuffled off to their own page(s).
  • Etc.

Unresolved Questions

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